Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hope at India 69

15 August 2015 Today India marked its 69th Independence Day. Apart from patriotic fervour and celebratory mood, the day was significant as it was second Independence Day for the Modi government at the Centre. All eyes were fixed how he will address from the ramparts of the Red Fort. Will it be as charismatic a speech as he delivered last year when he was only three months old PM and had mesmerised everyone with his orataory skills. Well, he did mesmerise again, as far as my estimate goes, but it certainly fell short of charismatic parameter. Besides, Modi tried to become a little bit excessively animated while driving certain points home. His government of 15 months has definitely generated genuine confidence, but it has not done much except making promises and announcing schemes after schemes. Most satisfactory side of this government is that it has prevented any remarkable corruption to take root. Plus, on certain fronts like empowerment of poor, it has delivered Jan Dhan Yojna and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna, which, if implemented properly, will definitely help empower the poor and uplift their living conditions. But, I personally want this government to also work on two major fronts: Education and Healthcare. All government schools and hospitals should at least be made functionary, if their standard is not raised. I am hopeful of this government...

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